Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Running's a pain in the ass... but it sure gives me a nice one!

It's no surprise that I've been doing a lot of reflecting and growing the past year or so.  I've realized something that doesn't bode well with me.  For most of my life, I dedicated my life to others.  I am a people-pleaser.  I am, to a fault, too nice.  I let people take advantage of me.  I put other's needs before my own.  Don't get me wrong, I love helping people.  I find joy in making other's happy.  But I've decided that I'm no longer going to put my happiness or my needs in front of others.

I've been doing a lot of me.  Spending time alone.  Removing myself from toxic situations.  Removing the drama from my life.  Spending more time with the people who lift me up.  I've been spending more time on making myself a better person and spending time working on my soul.  What better way to make myself better than to concur something that I've always hated.

There was only one thing that I hated more than anything.  Running.  I hate running.  I despise it.  I might be because I'm terrible at it.  Or maybe I hate it because EVERYONE is doing it.  Everywhere I turn... everyone I talk to is a runner.  "I love running marathons."  Really?  Do you really?  I judged these people.  I figured "running sucks, so you must suck, too"  Boy was I wrong. 

Back in college I used to go to the track with my three roommates and exercise.  Several times a week, we would just run around the track.  I did it becasue they did it and I loved spending time with it.  And I wasn't so bad.  I wanted to be "not so bad" at it again.  And who better to help me become a better runner than my best friend?  She is an avid runner and coaches Girls on the Run.  Oh, yeah!  And her husband is an avid runner, too, who coaches track and field at a local high school and qualified for the Israel Olympics.  The perfect match.

They set me up with a running schedule.  I was scared that I was going to jump right into it.  But, like a good teacher, they are scaffolding and adding on.  A strong foundation is what makes anything successful.  And that's what they have set me up with.  And it's been amazing.  I'm running more than I ever thought I could.  My stamina is improving everyday.  I am getting faster.  I'm pushing myself harder than I've everAnd I am starting to enjoy it.  I look forward to running everyday.  And it's here that makes me know that I've actually concured something that I've always hated.  And it makes me proud.

My goal at the end of the 9 weeks is to run a 10K.  Will I ever run a full marathon?  Probably not.  But it's not impossible (something that I've always thought).  And my attempt at being "not so bad" has been far surpassed.  I'm actually "decent."  And I can live with that. 

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