Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sticks and Stones....

So last night I went out and got the most drastic haircut of my life.... 
I knew my kids would flip out today so I braced myself and tried to get good sleep.  Unfortunately, the worry Gods were in my head and I didn't actually get much.  Not a good thing when the following morning is Bring Your Family to School  Day for 2nd grade....  uuufff! 

As the students walked into the classroom, I was pleasantly surprised by HOW they flipped out... 
not the "OMG, what did you do?" but the "OOOH, it's so pretty!"  One student even went as far as to say "you look hot."  Not sure how to handle that one but I'll take it. 

Throughout the day, I heard whispers of my hair from each and every grade.  People told me I looked like this celebrity or that celebrity.  Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. A 5th grader gave me the thumbs up and told me I looked lik Rhianna.  This girl deserves a big fat A+
  2. One of my students told me I reminded him of the girl from Glee... you know, the asian one with long hair and blue streaks.  Okay...  I sorta get it.
  3. A 3rd grader told me my hair looked like Nicki Minaj...  meh.  sure.
  4. A random girl in the hallway (not sure who or what grade) said "she looks like that supermodel that has the weird hair"... awesome.
  5. But my favorite would be the 1st grader who told me that my hair reminded him of Shadow the hedgehog from the Sonic series... upon further investigation I found out that he is in fact correct.  Please see below for clarification.


Thank you and Good night!

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