Monday, April 23, 2012

Books on Parade

The book fair is at school this week.  I went in there this afternoon to make my wish list in case any of my "wealthy" parents decide to buy the classroom some books.  I came across these little gems... 

 Yes - a very important question that all students (and teachers) would like to know.  I, for one, think men should read this and help remedy their situation.  Do you think the other 20 answers about the human body revolve around passing gas?  Because oooohhhwwwweeee, my girls this year are gassy!

YES, PLEASE!!  I did not add this to my wish list because I want my parents to think I am a mature teacher they can trust with their students but, gosh darnnit, I want this book so bad...  can I make a half birthday wish list?  It's coming up soon...  Bonus:  The back of the book contains Legos to create these magical people. 

Woo Woo Woo... you KNOW it!  I wonder if Zack Ryder is in here... if so, I have lost my students for the remainder of the school year (which is fine by me because I'm already over it).

Now, my students have no idea who this guy is.  They are a strictly wrestling group of kids.  They will, however, ask me if this is my brother.  Or if this is my dad.  Or do I know this guy.  Or does he eat bibimbop.  They will ask me all of these and then some... 

 Does anyone else find this book completely inappropriate for elementary schoolers?  I mean, this picture is enough to make my students scream and go running for the doors.  Zack Efron looks yumtastic... but none of my students will think that.  They will keep referencing High School Musical... come on kids, Z.E. did not have that body in that movie.  I mean, damn, look at those biceps... ::drool:: 

 Really?  My students are already confused about the English language.  Why would you introduce a book like this? 

Carry on...  and keep on reading. 

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