Sunday, April 29, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words....

This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend a very beautiful wedding ceremony between two of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing (congratulations to the happy couple).  As I was watching the ceremony, most specifically their wedding vows, I could feel the love between the two of them - an emotion that I feel has been lost in so many weddings nowadays.  They were so deep in each others eyes/souls as they were saying their vows and exchanging rings that it brought tears to my eyes (as well as other ladies around me - I won't name any names).  It was beautiful.

After the ceremony, Rachel and Greg would sneak away just to have a few minutes with each other.  And being the stalker that I am (or maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic) I watched them.  Sometimes they snuck away to hold hands, other times to whisper what I'm assuming to be sweet nothings into each others ears.  At one point they just looked at each other and said nothing.  And it was a perfect moment. 

That got me thinking about relationships.  What makes a good relationship?  One could answer that question with different answers.  What I consider to be a good relationship might not be the same for the next person.  And I think that's why relationships are so difficult.  People's definitions of a "good" relationship are all relative.  Sure, we can all say that relationships require trust, support, communication, honesty and mutual respect (which they all do)... but what is it that makes it "good" for each individual person? 

That's when I remembered this little gem that I found while "pin"ing away for recipes.  And it said everything that I wanted to say but didn't quite know how to. 

Like I said... what I feel defines a good relationship you might not.  But hear me out on this one.  Like the picture above quotes, I can't imagine being in a relationship where I can't just sit next to someone in silence... where I feel like we always have to be engaged in some sort of activity. I think that the happiest moments are when two people can sit side by side and enjoy the peace and calmness that they bring to each other.  No words.  No touching.  Just the energy, comfort and love shared between the two people.  What could be better than that?

It's worth opening your mind to... 

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