Thursday, July 4, 2013

Foot in Mouth Disease

It's not secret that I love going to the dentist.  Aside from the fact that I have a very handsome older dentist who I've been going to for two decades now (he has been nicknamed Dr. Silver Fox, or Dr. SF for short), I love going because a)  I love my teeth and b) I love being complimented by each new dental hygenist about my perfectly straight my non-braces teeth are.  I just love it.

I had a dentist appointment on Wednesday and I had a new dental hygenist, C.  She was super cute - petite, high voice, perfect ponytail and a freckled Chinese face.  We hit it off immediately because of mutual freckled-faceness.  Now, she was just like every other dental hygenist.  She asked me questions while she was working in my mouth.  So it was hard to answer.  But we made pretty good conversation during our breaks. 

She asked me where I lived.  And I told her Arlington - only because most people who live in Herndon have no clue where Shirlington is. 

C:  Oh!  I love Arlington.  I don't get to go out there much but my husband works there and he's always bringing home delicious baked goods.  Have you ever heard of BakeShop?

Me:  Yes!!  They have the best homemade oatmeal cream pie cookies!  It's kinda of hidden on a side street but it definitely has a good following.  I'm sure Justin's (the owner) good looks also help out business.

C was about to say something but I accidentally interrupted her to tell her a story.

Me:  My friend M and I thought Justin was so hot.  We met him the first time when he was working at Grounded selling his pastries there.  And we would go back just to see him, he was so cute.  I mean, the cookies and cupcakes were delicious, too.  But he was just so friendly and cute.  When we found out he was opening the BakeShop, we made sure to visit him there, too.  This one time, we went to get some cupcakes but we didn't see him there so we didn't buy any.  We were kinda obsessed. 

C:  Well, Justin and his business partner, Drew, are very good friends of mine.  I will be sure to tell him he has some fans.  And yes, him being so cute does help his business.  I would set you up with him because I think you are so cute, but he just got a new girlfriend. 

Me:  ::blushingandinternallyshoutingDAMN::  Oh man.  I'm so embarrassed.  Please don't tell him that. 

Just then, Dr. SF showed up.  Saved!  I walked out of there with some sparkly clean teeth, some new dental hyigene tools, a red face and my foot in my mouth.

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