Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do Parents Ever Stop Embarrassing You?

I have the greatest parents ever.  Have we always gotten along?  For the most part, yes.  But there were those awkward years where they embarrassed me and made me mad.  The older I get, the more I appreciate them and actually enjoy spending time with them.  I took them for granted.  And that's something I regret every single day. 

Back then, I used to think they would embarrass me on purpose.  In retrospect, they weren't doing anything to embarrass me.  I was just self conscious, sensitive and a teenager.  They didn't do anything out of the ordinary.  I was just a little shit.   Times have changed and so has our relationship.  The older I get, the more we are able to joke with each other.  And now, I think they ENJOY embarassing me out in public and do it on purpose now... especially my dad.

As a mature 31 year old with bills and finacial woes, I've started to be frugal and cut things out that are not deemed necessary.  As such, I ask my dad if I could tag along with them to the Commissary to go grocery shopping.  The prices there are SO AMAZING!  I can't even begin to describe how great the prices are.  And any of you that grew up in a military family can vouche for me.  It's just that good. 

Before we went shopping, we decided to great dinner at the PX food court (I'm a severe impule shopper when I'm hungry).  As we were walking out of the PX, a very nice gentleman in his uniform held the door open for my mom and I.  As I was walking through the door, my sandal got stuck on the carpet and I trip... and it was a big trip.  As I recovered, I turned around and pointed to the carpet and stated "I just tripped."

When I said that, I noticed that my dad was laughing hysterically.  And to make matters worse, outside of the door that I had just tripped was a group of very attractive military men in their uniforms.  And if I couldn't get any more red in the face, my dad loudly said "Gosh!  I can't take you anywhere nice.  You're so embarrassing."  And my mom just laughed and chimed in "Yeah, Angela." 

O. M. G.  I picked up the pace and high-tailed it out of that area. 

As soon as I got into the Commissary, I had to go to the bathroom (just pee).  So I went.  Quickly.  And as I was walking out, my dad loudly (again) said "Gosh!  What were you doing in there?  You took so long." 

O. M. G.  I picked up the pace and high-tailed it out of that area.

After going through the Commissary with my dad and trying hard to show the hot military men that I was with my dad, not my husband, we went to the registers.  We were the next ones in line to go to a register.  My dad noticed that one of the lines didn't have so long of a line and asked me to go check out if anyone was there.  I noticed that it had a handicapped sign above the register.  I said, "Dad, it's a handicap register"  to which he replied "well, you're with us so it's okay." 

Oh no he di'int!!  As we got to the register that was NOT the handicapped register, my dad kindly took out his check book and paid for my groceries.

Thanks, Dad.  Even if you did embarrass me, you didn't have to pay for my groceries.  What a guy! 

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