Sunday, May 19, 2013


I have an addictive personality...  that should come as no surprise to anyone reading this.  Let's me go ahead and say this... I believe we ALL feel the concern about becoming addictive - obsessions with weight, smoking, drinking too much, spending too much money, gambling, sex or work.  These are the things I be come addicted too (at least I don't think I do). 

Here are things I'm addicted to as of recent (in no particular order):
  • cereal - for breakfast, lunch, dinner, 4th meal, snack
  • running outdoors - getting as much as I can now before the damn cicadas come
  • horrible television shows - any of the Real Housewives,
  • sour candies - hell no, chocolate
  • shoes
  • skinny jeans - in all different colors and prints
  • Febreze scent around the apartment
  • typing on my laptop with my fake long nails
  • counting down the days until school is officially over - 22 days today
  • Oats a la Layla - oatmeal with strawberries and a splash of milk
  • saying/screaming "It's the SICKEST" when asked how things are/taste/etc
That's all I got.

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