Sunday, May 19, 2013


I have an addictive personality...  that should come as no surprise to anyone reading this.  Let's me go ahead and say this... I believe we ALL feel the concern about becoming addictive - obsessions with weight, smoking, drinking too much, spending too much money, gambling, sex or work.  These are the things I be come addicted too (at least I don't think I do). 

Here are things I'm addicted to as of recent (in no particular order):
  • cereal - for breakfast, lunch, dinner, 4th meal, snack
  • running outdoors - getting as much as I can now before the damn cicadas come
  • horrible television shows - any of the Real Housewives,
  • sour candies - hell no, chocolate
  • shoes
  • skinny jeans - in all different colors and prints
  • Febreze scent around the apartment
  • typing on my laptop with my fake long nails
  • counting down the days until school is officially over - 22 days today
  • Oats a la Layla - oatmeal with strawberries and a splash of milk
  • saying/screaming "It's the SICKEST" when asked how things are/taste/etc
That's all I got.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Been feeling sick for the past week.  Finally went to Urget care (easier than setting up an appointment and taking time off of work).  The doctor's name was Dr. Mann.  Short, older, adorable Indian doctor. 

My past medical history showed that I've had bronchitis and walking pneumonia in the past.  AND that I work with snot nosed children every day.  And, I know my body.  I knew my smoker's cough meant bronchitis.  I knew I would be in for some good medicine.  He did the full workup on me... checking out my orifices and listening to my breathing.... checking for sinus pressure and looking at my temperature...  and I was correct.

I had a fever on top of bronchitis.... again.  Two years in a row.  Same time as last.  However, this time I was prescribed different drugs - he prescribed me with the following concoction:
  • Zythromiacin
  • Steroids
  • Cough Syrup with Codeine (my favorite)
Thank you sir, it sounds lovely.  I was told to come back in a week for a follow-up.  I didn't even realize they did those things there.  But, whatever.

So as we're discussing teaching and stuff, he said something to me that caught me off guard.

...."you aren't married yet?  You need to get married so you can have beautiful babies.  We need more beautiful babies and you will definitely make them"... 

Thanks?  I agree with you.  I will make beautiful babies... but finding a man in NoVa to do that with is easier said than done.  Then I got to thinking. 

Dr. Mann, perhaps after our follow-up on Friday, you can prescribe me with some phone numbers of beautiful, available men since you seem to have such good taste in beauty? 

Until then... I'll be in bed sippin' on some sizzrup and lovin' every codiene filled minute of it.