Us girls... celebrating the last day of school for Winter Break... unable to decide where to go and what to do. As luck would have it, the frigid cold dropped us into Mister Days for dinner and drinks. Easy, fun and comfortable... not to mention warm. Upon further investigation, we learned that Hot Tub Limo was performing at Grill. Now, let me go ahead and say that the majority of us are teachers and WE WERE EXHAUSTED. And no one wanted to be the one to dip out first... so we all decided to go there and if it sucked we would all get to go home and sleep.
We walked in and beelined to Ross' Bar where the bartender happily set us up with the very appropriate Candy Cane shot. With sugar and liquor coarsing through out veins it was evident that we were going to stay. Now, it's usually that one night were you weren't intending on staying out late or drinking a lot that you end up having THE.BEST.TIME!! And this night did not disappoint.
My roomate and I have recently been obsessed with watching Impractical Jokers on TruTV. We laugh, we cry, we laugh til we cry. It's one of our favorite things at the moment. The premise of the show is simple: four best friends from NJ dare each other to do things and whoever loses has to do something even worse than the dares. There was one episode where they are at a restaurant and they have to "nose" as many people as possible. This same episode had friends asking a stranger a random question and shushing them as they are answering. As well as eskimo kissing a random stranger. Also they had to rub people's earlobes randomly during converstation. And then they also have to start slowly crotching themselves down as they are speaking to a stranger and see how low they can get. I mean. Pure genius. And we filled our group of girls in and they were ON BOARD! We each had a mission (or several) and the night began.
My mission was pretty good. There was a kid there who was wearing his house/car keys on a lanyard around his neck. My mission was to get his lanyard.
Here he is!! Oh, hello! |
I got halfway into it... He wasn't amused. |
His friend who saw the whole thing thought it was amazing. Apparently homeboy has major issues with his lanyard. It's a big thing for him. His friend wanted me to keep trying. Oh look, here is said friend.
He thought it was an great idea! High fives all around. |
So, after several attempts I was so successful. Here is the final product.
I think he finally realized that I meant no harm and wasn't going to steal it. |
Mandatory roommate photo shoot:
V decided to join in. Much better!!
At this point we were bombarded by guys who noticed what we were doing and thought it was hilarious. We met a dude who looked like Phil from Modern Family. Another dude who was there alone and wanted to meet some cool chicks. And then we met the service men. Mmmm. Here they are!
adorable, right? |
T wanted a picture with them.
Now, if you are like me, you would have already noticed something MAJOR about what one of the dudes is wearing. Go ahead, I'll give you a minute to go back and look. If you said Harry Potter, then you are correct. So, naturally I had to get my picture taken with the best part.
I mean, Gryffindor!! People wear that to a bar! I love it. I'm so excited! |
So, then we started nosing people. T was dared to nose some dude's snowman sweater with a 3D carrot nose. And she did. And it was the greatest thing EVER!! He even sought her out after wards and called her insane... but in a good way.
See the band back there? They were our next victims. |
We nosed two members of the band as they were getting drinks at Ross' Bar. They thought, at first, we were crazy groupies sniffing them. But then we filled them in and they about died laughing. They wanted us to do it to the other two bandmembers, who we have dubbed the Zacks.... why you may be asking? Because the lead singer looks like Zac Brown and the guitarist looks like Zack Galifinakis. So that's why.
There's V nosing 21 year old's keyboard. |
Then I decided to do it because how cute is 21 year old... here's a close up picture.
Here I am nosing his keyboard. I don't think Zac Brown likes it.
Notice the WTF (why the face?) face. |
No one else nosed the bad. So V and I were declared the victors!! YES!!
And our prize? More random men. What?
congrats, V!! |
who gave this dude my earwarmer thing? |
So... it was a great night with great girlfriends. Hopefully we'll have "that one night" happen again in the near future. I might have drank my face off and felt like hell the next morning, but a night out with the girls does more for one's sanity and livelihood than you could even imagine.
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