Saturday, December 29, 2012

a ME day

It's been a hell of a Winter Break...  a time to relax and reset myself after several hard months of teaching turned into balls to the wall party time.  And last night I was out with friends watching the horrible Tech game and not drinking.  And at 10 pm I picked myself up and went home.  To sleep.  And sleep I did.  For about 12 hours.  It was exactly what I needed.

My roommate is out of town for a friend's birthday and I decided to take a ME day...  just me and my favorite things:  Sex and the City episodes, Korean food, Hello Kitty blanket and relaxation.  I started my morning with FAT SLOW FALLING snowflakes.  My favorite kind of snowflake.  The kind that hits your jacket and stays for a while.  Beautiful.  White.  Fat.  I walked to 7-11 grabbed myself a Big Gulp and slowly walked home in the fat slow falling snow...  Love. 

I'm on my 7th episode of SATC...  and I still love each and every episode.  I do think the shows gives girl an idealistic and unrealistic view on love and life.  And it always makes me look at my own life and wonder.... about myself, love, friends, sex.  So, through all the thinking, I decided that my ME day blog is going to be dedicated to noneother than ME....  I've made lists before.  And this isn't anything different.  So, here we go (again).

I am a brunette. 
I am a hopeless romantic.
I love chocolate.  The darker the better.

Reading is food to my soul. 
I'm not a wiNO, I'm a wiYES!

I am obsessed with Harry Potter. 

I love the beach. 

I hate public speaking.  It is one of my biggest fears.   
I have been known to hold a grudge.  I'm working on it. 

I can't wait to see what my future babies will look like, God willing. 

I am kind... to a fault.

Nothing makes me happier than a sunshine-y day. 

I am 31 flavors and then some.

I am an agent of change.

I have hips.  And I embrace them. 

I have a horrible singing voice.  But I'll still karaoke with you.

I believe in Karma.  I've witnessed it with friends and with me. 

I'm obsessed with shoes.  I blame my mother. 

When I fall, I fall fast and hard. 

That's me in a nutshell...  take it or leave it. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

That One Night

... we'll call it Sisters before Misters Night.

Us girls... celebrating the last day of school for Winter Break... unable to decide where to go and what to do.  As luck would have it, the frigid cold dropped us into Mister Days for dinner and drinks.  Easy, fun and comfortable... not to mention warm.  Upon further investigation, we learned that Hot Tub Limo was performing at Grill.  Now, let me go ahead and say that the majority of us are teachers and WE WERE EXHAUSTED.  And no one wanted to be the one to dip out first... so we all decided to go there and if it sucked we would all get to go home and sleep. 

We walked in and beelined to Ross' Bar where the bartender happily set us up with the very appropriate Candy Cane shot.  With sugar and liquor coarsing through out veins it was evident that we were going to stay.  Now, it's usually that one night were you weren't intending on staying out late or drinking a lot that you end up having THE.BEST.TIME!!  And this night did not disappoint. 

My roomate and I have recently been obsessed with watching Impractical Jokers on TruTV.  We laugh, we cry, we laugh til we cry.  It's one of our favorite things at the moment.  The premise of the show is simple:  four best friends from NJ dare each other to do things and whoever loses has to do something even worse than the dares.  There was one episode where they are at a restaurant and they have to "nose" as many people as possible.  This same episode had friends asking a stranger a random question and shushing them as they are answering.  As well as eskimo kissing a random stranger.  Also they had to rub people's earlobes randomly during converstation.  And then they also have to start slowly crotching themselves down as they are speaking to a stranger and see how low they can get.  I mean.  Pure genius.  And we filled our group of girls in and they were ON BOARD!  We each had a mission (or several) and the night began. 

 My mission was pretty good.  There was a kid there who was wearing his house/car keys on a lanyard around his neck.  My mission was to get his lanyard. 

Here he is!!  Oh, hello!
My first attempt was a fail!

I got halfway into it... He wasn't amused. 

His friend who saw the whole thing thought it was amazing.  Apparently homeboy has major issues with his lanyard.  It's a big thing for him.  His friend wanted me to keep trying.  Oh look, here is said friend.

He thought it was an great idea!  High fives all around.
So, after several attempts I was so successful.  Here is the final product. 
I think he finally realized that I meant no harm and wasn't going to steal it.
Mandatory roommate photo shoot:

V decided to join in.  Much better!!

At this point we were bombarded by guys who noticed what we were doing and thought it was hilarious.  We met a dude who looked like Phil from Modern Family.  Another dude who was there alone and wanted to meet some cool chicks.  And then we met the service men.  Mmmm.  Here they are!
adorable, right? 

T wanted a picture with them. 

Now, if you are like me, you would have already noticed something MAJOR about what one of the dudes is wearing.  Go ahead, I'll give you a minute to go back and look.  If you said Harry Potter, then you are correct.  So, naturally I had to get my picture taken with the best part.
I mean, Gryffindor!!  People wear that to a bar!  I love it.  I'm so excited!
So, then we started nosing people.  T was dared to nose some dude's snowman sweater with a 3D carrot nose.  And she did.  And it was the greatest thing EVER!!  He even sought her out after wards and called her insane... but in a good way. 
See the band back there?  They were our next victims.
We nosed two members of the band as they were getting drinks at Ross' Bar.  They thought, at first, we were crazy groupies sniffing them.  But then we filled them in and they about died laughing.  They wanted us to do it to the other two bandmembers, who we have dubbed the Zacks.... why you may be asking?  Because the lead singer looks like Zac Brown and the guitarist looks like Zack Galifinakis.  So that's why. 
There's V nosing 21 year old's keyboard.
Then I decided to do it because how cute is 21 year old... here's a close up picture. 
Here I am nosing his keyboard.  I don't think Zac Brown likes it. 
Notice the WTF (why the face?) face. 

No one else nosed the bad.  So V and I were declared the victors!!  YES!! 
And our prize?  More random men.  What?
congrats, V!!

who gave this dude my earwarmer thing?
So... it was a great night with great girlfriends.  Hopefully we'll have "that one night" happen again in the near future.  I might have drank my face off and felt like hell the next morning, but a night out with the girls does more for one's sanity and livelihood than you could even imagine. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Little Angels

As my students were dismissed on Friday, I gave each of them a hug.  Normally I would stand at the door and ask them "high five, handshake or hug?"  And each of them would usually answer high five with the occasional hug thrown in by some girls or my sensitive fella.  But not on Friday.  Nope, on Friday, I gave everyone an extra long hug before them went home.

I went about my day as usual and only found out what happened at 2:15 - when I went to drop my students off at PE and Mr. N filled me in.  I didn't know what to say.  I didn't want to believe it.  But during CLTs I went online and read horrible accounts after horrible accounts.  I wanted to cry.  Actually, that day I did cry.  Unbelievable.  I still can't bring myself to watch the news or read articles because how close it is to home.  I am a teacher.  Of young students.  And I work in a school that has an implemented a lock down drill.  I would like to think I would be as heroic as the teachers from Sandy Hook.  Was it maternal instinct that kicked in?  A fight or flight reaction?  Or maybe it's just inherent nature of a teacher to protect your children... because they are my children.  I don't call them my students.  I call them my kids.  All 20 of them. 

I replay the image in my mind... thinking of my classroom and wondering what I would do.  Where would I hide them?  How would I protect ALL of them?  I don't know.  And I pray to God that I will never have to cross that bridge. 

These little children had their whole lives ahead of them.  Innocent children who went to school thinking they were safe.  If they were anything like my students, they learned and laughed and played and talked about how excited they were about Santa.  And in a split second, their lives were taken by a boy who maybe didn't get to chance to laugh or play with people at school. 

I pride myself in getting to know my students and really looking to see any sort of irregularites.  And I bring that to the attention of our guidance counselors in order to get these children some help.  My students have a horrible life.  They have witnessed horrible things.  Some of them have been teased.  Some of them have been abused.  And it's my job to notice changes or behaviors that aren't deemed as normal.  We call school psychologists.  We call the social workers.  We talk to parents.  We call people and put things into action.  That's what a teacher should do. 

What happened to this particular boy that made him this way?  Was anyone there for him to talk to?  Did anyone notice?  These are questions that have been running through my mind while reading the articles.  And it goes back to my JMU days when I advocated for stronger mental health actions.  I firmly believe that mental health should be taken more seriously and occupations should allow for my mental health insurance. 

I pray for the victims and their families.  I cannot even begin to start to imagine what they are going through.  I pray for the 20 little angels who are now watching us from Heaven.  I pray for everyone to get the help they deserve.  But most importantly I pray. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Come on People!!

My front headlight went out the other day and I finally got around to buying a new bulb to fix it.  I went into Advance Auto Parts and was immediately greeted by a worker.  Very good customer service.  He quickly found what it was that I needed on the computer, fetched it and I paid him the $15 and change for what I owed... but not before asking me if I had someone who was going to switch the bulb.  I told him my dad would do it and he gave me some very good advice about wearing gloves to prevent finger oils from burning and breaking the bulb.  Thanks, good sir.

I got home and my dad helped me (note helped and not did for me) change the bulb.  Problem - the bulb didn't fit.  So, off I went down the road back to Advanced Auto Parts to exchange the bulb.  Upon entering the store, the staff recognized me (as I had only just left 10 minutes prior).  The man that helped me yelled out:
"Forgot to wear the gloves, didn't you?"... obviously he was joking.

To which I replied:
"Nope.  It doesn't fit!  It's the wrong one!"   This is when all three of the workers came over to help me. 

Now, I'm usually very friendly about things like this.  Shit happens. I get it.  As long as I wasn't hurt then it was a mistake and as long as they fixed it, no worries.  I would also like to say that I like to make jokes and tease people... and I appreciate when people either respond well to it or join in with me.  Here went the rest of the exchange. 

Man 1:  Can you tell me what's wrong with it?  The computer said it was this one.
Me:  Sure.  But I brought the old one in so you can compare.
Man 2:  Well, if you have the old one I can just go get the correct one.
Man 2 to Man 3:  Dude, we need to update the system.  The computer told me the wrong item.
Man 1 to me:  Sorry ma'am.  Looks like it was the computer's fault.
Me:  Not a problem. 
Man 3:  It's not the computer's fault.  What brand is the car?
Man 2:  It's an Acura.
Man 3:  Oh, that's the problem.  They are always changing their equipment.
Me (joking):  So now it's my fault?
Man 3:  No.  It's Acura's fault
Me (joking) to Man 1, 2, 3:  Damn Asians!

At this point Man 1, who is behind the register, looks at me with half a smile and half a confused look on his face... a face that said "I think she's joking, but I can't tell if can I laugh at this." Then all 3 of the men came over and just stared at me because I'm not sure they could tell if I was Asian or not.  So I just smiled at them and they smiled back.  Awkward.  Come on people!  It was supposed to be funny!  

And then they had to pay be 5 dollars back. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Singing and Such

My roommate and I have been catching up on Glee the past two days.  It got me to thinking about my JMU days when acapella groups were THE SHIT.  I mean, there were other things to do; party, study, party, create fraternities for smart people, party, karaoke, 25 cent wings, party.  But most girls will probably say that acapella groups were definitely in their rotation of things/people to do. 

The biggest one during my 4 years there was Madison Project.  That's who everyone swooned over.  Every one except me.  Yes, they were extremely talented, hands down the best acapella group at JMU.  Yes, the men in there were tall and blond and muscular.  But no, I was not into them as much as the other girls.  My heart belonged to Exit 245... the underdogs.  These were the guys that tried out for Madison Project but, for some reason or other, they didn't get in.. so they started their own.

They were still good.  Their song choices were still good.  They had a very big following and the guys in the group were good looking.  Maybe not as All American looking as Madison Project, but very attractive nonetheless.  The real reason why I loved Exit 245 was because of their leader.  We shall call him Vampire (my roommate back then, C, thought he looked like a vampire because he had super dark hair and really white skin - the Edward Cullen before Edward Cullen).  Vampire was so cute. And his voice was like butter.  My favorite was when he would sing U2 ::swoon::.  Was I obsessed with him?  No.  But I tried not to miss any of their performances.

My freshman year at JMU was when I was first introduced to them (obviously).  My roommate at the time, R, was an amazing singer - still is to this day.  And she tried out for the girl acapella group and got into it.  She was the one who dragged me to all the shows.  And I loved it!  I mean, who wouldn't?  Can you imagine a more perfect afternoon then finishing all your classes for the day, grabbing an iced coffee from Java City, sitting on the quad under the warm sun listening to hot men singing on the step of Wilson Hall?  Heaven, I tell ya.  But I digress.

The following year after R and I decided not to room together, my high school friend C and I decided to move to the quad.  The first day we walked into Spotswood Hall to meet our new RA's, I ran smack dab into Vampire.  And I peed my pants a little bit.  He was adorable.  And he was going to be my RA.  It's fate, right?  No.  Nothing ever happened because I realized how much of a nerd he was.  I started attending the concerts less and less and became more interested in the baseball and basketball teams, consecutively.  I saw him every once in a while and would go to the all acapella group blow out shows to see my old roommate, R.  And, naturally, he was there still doing his thing.  But a sall crushes come and go, this crush faded fast. 

Fast forward a few years later when I was at a romantic birthday dinner for my BF at the time.  And as luck would have it, who was sat at the table right next to me?  Vampire.  And he looked even better than before.  You know those men that get better with age?  He's definitely one of them.  And we locked eyes and gave each other a "hey, I think I know you" look but did nothing.  See, he was there was a girl and I was there with my boy.  Damn.  He was adorable.  And probably still has his amazing part.  And it wasn't until a few year ago that I started to enjoy me a nerd.  Athletes, as we've all experienced, are playas.  The nerds?  The nerds will treat you right. 

I don't know how it turned from Glee into this, but it did.  And it feels right so just go with it. 

Monday, December 3, 2012


I believe in a lot of things... some are stupid, some have no merit, some are so far beyond a sane person's realm that it's sad... but I believe.  Wishes... I believe in wishes.  I believe them probably because I grew up win a Disney princesse era where all their wishes were coming true.  While I don't necessarily 100% believe that a wishing can turn your dreams/fortunes true, I still have a little hope that they can.  So, in essence, yes - I still believe in wishes. 

I wish on shooting stars... I wish when blowing out my birthday candles... I wish when the clock hits 11:11... I wish when I pick eyelashes off of someone's face... visiting the Trevi fountain and throwing a coin over my shoulder... blowing dandelions... wishbones at Thanksgiving... and my favorite, the first star (who doesn't remember this:  starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight.  i wish i may, i wish i might, have this wish i wish tonight).  I wish.  It's like praying without resorting to begging favors from the big Guy upstairs (which I've been doing a lot more of as well).

Here are some things that I wish for as of recent:
  • I wish to finally (and hopefully soon) meet that person who I've already fallen in love with.  That one person who will make me complete... these little boys I'm dealing with now, and those that I have dealt with in the past, are nothing compared to that person who I have yet to meet.  Am I worried about not having met him yet?  No.  I also believe in timing and I know when it happens it will be magical... but yes, I still wish for it!
  • I wish to live a happy life for the rest of my own.  To be satisfied with that I have and to never take my partner or any other person I love for granted. 
  • I wish for my future children (god willing) to grow up to be happy, strong, self-sufficient adults, however that ends up for them.  
  • I wish that I could stop laughing at farts.  SBDs, duck quacks, cropdusters, dutch ovens, bathtub farts, the alarm fart, the squeaker, the bullet fart... I crack up at any and every of these.  My favorite would be the snart.  The sneeze fart.... you know, when one farts and sneezes at the same time, regardless of which causes which.  And it happens all the time in my class.  And I can't help it.  I bust out laughing... and I shouldn't because of the power that I hold in the classroom.  So, yes... this is something I wish I could control. 
  • I wish karma were more immediately effective.
  • I wish I could know how to and effectively teach my extremely ESOL classroom.  I wish for the patience to be able to do my best in the classroom this year. 
  • I wish I could travel more without having to worry about money.  I want to, so badly, travel around the world, learn and experience other people's cultures and traditions. 
  • I wish I could sing (maybe this is because the roomie and I are catching up on old episodes of Glee).
  • I wish that people who take blood would do a better job of finding veins.  As I went to get my annual lady parts checked out, I was told that it was time to get tested for HIV... YOINKS!!  It's nothing to be worried about but I still get that panicked worried feeling... So, reluctantly I did... and I almost passed out.  She dug and moved that needle around.  I wish the pain in my arm would go away.  Wanna see the bloody aftermath?

How and what do you wish for?  Don't tell me I'm the only one that does this... because I know I'm not.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It's that time again.... LIST TIME!!!  It's been awhile and, if you're anything like me, you've gone through withdrawal.  Soo... without further ado, I present to you:  Things I've done the past week (in random order)!

  1. got my first gel manicure (b/c my nails are finally growing out - thank you biotin)
  2. bought my first real gown (since high school prom and my parents bought that for me) for my date to the Australian Embassy Gala
  3. super glued my finger nail when it cracked
  4. made out at Rumors like I was 21 all over again
  5. unintentionally stayed awake while on NyQuil... weirdest feeling ever
  6. gave my number to a guy after he used a Harry Potter pickup line on me
  7. went to Jay's Saloon for the first time, EVER (I think)!
  8. saw J be "the show"... FINALLY
  9. grilled my cougar roommate's man-du-jour, then split a pizza with him...
  10. bought a new iphone case... loves
  11. went grocery shopping like a big girl
  12. learned to let go of things out of my control... and it feels AMAZING
  13. found out my cousin is dating someone who is going to be drafted to the NFL... hello free tickets!
  14. played (not well) my guitar
  15. ate a shit load of my grandma's kimchee
  16. rearranged some owls in my apartment
  17. was reminded that I am "in the middle" in every way possible
  18. caught up on Homeland
  19. got my roommate sick (?)
  20. had some really effed up and crazy dreams
It's time to take some more NyQuil to try and knock this cold out and have some crazy effed up dreams...  What did you do?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

You Learn Something New Every Day

The more time I spend with my family the more stuff I learn about my growing up.  Until recently I never knew that my mother was as much into clothes as I am... or how she would take pictures with her girlfriends rolling around on the beach like I do... or that my brother would cry when my dad would pick him up because he was deployed during his childhood. 

This past Thanksgiving, after everyone was stuffed from Korean and American food, and while we were waiting for our 2nd meal we like to call "dog food" in Korean, we busted out some really old photo albums and laughed our asses off.  As we were flipping through pages, we stopped on a picture of me in the kitchen with my mom (see below).

Awwww, I thought to myself as we were stuck on this picture.  I'm still in diapers and I'm already wanting to help my mom in the kitchen.  Good times.  No... that's definitely not how the story went. Apparently this is how I used to poop.  That's right, you read that right.  I would wait until my mom was in the kitchen cooking and I would stroll over to her, squat behind her, grab her legs and go at it.  Apparently there was something I enjoyed about the comfort of my mother's legs and the coolness of the kitchen floor.

There you have it.  You learn something new every day. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Worst Feeling In The World

Tonight I was enjoying a delicious dinner with a co-worker and kept feeling the constant vibrations of my cell phone in my purse.  Not one to be rude, I didn't get out my phone until the bill was paid and we were about to say our good-byes. 

Lots of missed messages. 

Several in fact.  

From my sister.  

The first text message on the screen was "I feel bad."

Why would my sister feel bad for someone?  A break up?  A car accident?  Cancelling plans on someone?  Heard a rumor about someone?

And that's when my heart sank.  No one ever thinks that it could be about a family member.  A family member who jogs everyday.  Doesn't drink alcohol regularly and eats relatively healthy.

Blurs of "hospital, " "heart attack," "tests," "alone," and then... the final shot to the gut, "dad."

It was at that moment that the restaurant went quiet and still.  Time stood still.  The bitching I just did to my amazing co-worker about my job.  Complaining about the lack of money.  Not knowing what to do with my life or if I wanted to go back to school for God knows what.  None of it mattered anymore.  None of it.  In that moment, I wanted to be with my daddy.  Making sure he was okay.   And not scared.

On the way home, I called my Oma and she reassured me that Dad was okay.  The doctors said everything looked okay and they were keeping him overnight to observe and test him more in the morning.  She said she would call me if anything changed.  And I hung up the phone with her, still wanting to go visit him at the hospital.  But I know my Dad.  He would tell us to go home.

The reality of what had actually happened finally hit me after that phone call.  That's when I started crying. That's my dad.  The first man I ever loved.  The one who put cream on my chaffed underarms.  The one who used to buy my pads and tampons.  The one who loved me even when I was terrible.  The one who has provided me with such an amazing life.  The man who wants nothing more than for his kids to be happy.  I wouldn't know what to do without him.

Things sound good and I'll be sure to keep you posted.  But please keep him in your prayers...  in the words of my co-worker "send him some good juju."  I know he would do the same for anyone of you out there.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Friendsgiving 2012

The 3rd Annual Friendsgiving was held last night at The Jungle House.... okay, okay.  So I just made up that name... T and I haven't named our house yet.  No clever name like the Nad Pad, Blue Door...  still working on this.

The invites were sent and people responded with what they were bringing.  We had a great spread going but there was one thing that no one had touched...  and it was the one item T and I were worried.  Oh, dear - the turkey.  Who on earth would want to buy, baste, brine and cook the turkey?  You know who stepped up?  Betty Crocker M...  she just recently got married and was dying to put her wedding gifts to use.  SOLD!

Lots of emails were sent with reminders or food, parking sitch and to bring tupperware for leftovers.  The big day arrived and we were so excited.  Having cooked, cleaned and popped open some wine, we were greeted by lots of friends, lots of wine and lots of food.

Here's M making the gravy from the turkey drippings.
While the turkey was resting and the sides were being warmed, everyone socialized and found places to sit and/or stand.  See, the unfortunate part about our place is that there isn't enough room for people to sit.  There were about 20 people here and about room for about 10 people to sit and eat comfortably.  Fives were definitely called.

Talking about the weather.

Tommy telling a story.

Complaining about no where to sit.  Hey geniuses, look behind you.  Two empty chairs. 
 As I was in the kitchen cooking some chicken wings, I was happily greeted by one of my favorite people wearing!!!  Let me just warn you.  This picture is about to put a smile on your face.  Having a bad day?  Not after seeing this picture.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Ladies and gentlemen... I introduce to you, P and his pussy.

As I was snapping the picture, P decided to give me the most awkward pose ever.  Well done, P.  Well done.
Amazing shirt, right?  P was coming into the kitchen to open the 4 cans of Cranberry Sauce he brought.  One of those cans was strictly for him.  We couldn't find the can opener to save our lives.  We looked in every drawer.  After having searched forever, T finally opens the cabinet and busts out the can opener.  Again, I must prepare you for this one.  Think back to when you were growing up.  And remember the rroooaoroooroorow sound of your mom opening cans of corn using the old school can opening machine?  Ladies and gentlemen....  our can opener.

First, I broke the handle off.  Then we couldn't figure out how to do it.  I need to buy a hand held opener. 
The food was all ready to be served.  Herein lied (laid?) the problem.  Without really thinking about this, we asked R and J, our dear yet unreliable friends, to be in charge of buying the paper products and silverware for this event.  J was on time and came bringing heavy duty paper products.  Kudos.  The time was 6:30.  Our event started at 5.  We had no silverware.  R had botched the situation.  So we had to wait for him...  and once he walked into the place he was met with BOOs.  Here he is putting away the wine (for the ladies) and his one box of assorted cutlery (Ah ha!  But the jokes on us!  R went out to his car and magically appeared a more boxes of cutlery - well done Frogg!).

We love you, R!!
The wine was flowing.  I asked my roommate to pour me a glass of red wine.  Here is what she gave me.  Let me just say that this glass is HUGE.  Nice pour, roommate!  No wonder I didn't feel good this morning. 

It was finally time to cut the turkey.  Typically, the man of the household would carve the turkey.  But since it's just two girls living here, we needed to find a fair way to choose which man was going to carve it for us.  So, we did what any other females would do.  We had the guys whip out their franks and beans and sword fight to get a winner.  Okay, okay... that's a lie.  But that would have been awesome.  We went with the guy who was wearing the best shirt.  And here was the winner:

Okay - so I just wanted to put his picture up again.  hahaha. 
  Here is P carving the turkey like a pro:

The turkey was amazingly moist and delicious.  M's first turkey was a huge success!  Congrats to her- that is such a feat!  Here was our spread.  Turkey, tequila lime chicken wings, mac-n-cheese muffins, Italian rice balls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, corn, green bean casserole, rigatoni, salad, sweet potato casserole, gravy, pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, pumpkin cheesecake, wine cake, and key lime pie.  Oh, don't forget the wine.  One word - phenomenal.

After the food was devoured and we were all stuffed it was time to pack some to-go tupperware.  The majority of the guys didn't read our emails all the way and so they didn't read the part where it suggested bringing tupperware to take food to go.  Now, the ones that did read the email all the way through came with their tupperware.  Wanna see what it looks like?  When I say they brought their tupperware, they BROUGHT THEIR TUPPERWARE!

I mean, the biggest tupperware EVER!!  Well done, S and B. 

After dinner/dessert/drinks I walked into the kitchen to two very disturbing scenes.  The first one is disturbing slash hilarious slash common (see what I did there?  I wrote the word slash instead of using /).  Here are everyone's two favorite dogs going at it... well, I guess just one of them is going at it and the other one is taking it.
Get it, S!!!

The last picture is of an innocent box of chicken stock.  Now, the dripping that is strategically placed on the box is still a mystery.  And I'm not sure if it was strategically place or if it was purely coincidence... but it looks like RR is definitely enjoying something creamy on Thanksgiving.  Here you go!

After everything was said and done we had a great time.  I am thankful for such good friends (who are amazing cooks), an amazing roommate who enjoys entertaining as much as I do and great chemistry with each and everyone of my friends.  You can't find that with just anyone.   Friendsgiving 2012 was a huge success.  I would be happy to host again next year but am willing to pass on the torch like it was passed on to me (and my roommie, of course).   

May your Thanksgiving be as blessed and amazing as mine was.  If this is what Friendsgiving was like, I can't wait to do Thanksgiving with my family.... and lots of Korean food!!  Mmmm, maybe next year you'll be invited!