Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daaaaaamn, Gina!

It's been a while.  It's been crazy busy... While I've been away:
  • I moved into a cute little apartment in Shirlington (pictures to come)
  • School started and I have adjusted nicely to my new little rug rats
  • I ran the DC 5K Color Run (pictures to come)
  • I donated a SHIT ton of clothing and shoes
  • I've been working on my inner balance
  • I've spent way too much at IKEA
  • I've grown out my bangs
I'm sure there's more but there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do anything.  Now I must sleep.  The children won't teach themselves (although they would all like to think they can).  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Tomorrow starts a new school year and it's a little bittersweet.  A few weeks ago I was bored with summer and itching to go back... but now that I've met my students and put together my classroom, I'm ready to have another two weeks of summer.  Summer vacation always goes by way too fast.  I have butterflies in my stomach about tomorrow.  I have a schedule packed to the brim of things to do with my new students... I know I won't get to them all, but that just makes planning for the rest of the week easier. 

It's been a great relaxing summer filled with weddings, babies, beach and shenanigans.  I've lost friends, gained friends and without knowing it, found myself.  It's been quite a year and I'm excited to start another year to see what will come.  This past weekend I went to Richmond with some great friends and did a few things I wouldn't normally do...
  • I sipped whiskey.  And somewhat enjoyed it.  Until it started burning my throat.  Whiskey burps are not fun.  I will definitely be giving whiskey another chance since my friends and I learned some new things about the drink. 
  • I tried durian.  The fruit of southeast Asia.  It's known to smell like poop and have an indescribable taste.  The consistency is that of custard and I thought it tastes much like onions.  So... mushy onions.  Durian is definitely an acquired taste... even Andrew Zimmern, the man on TV who is known to eat anything, states he will never eat the fruit again.  It's so foul, in fact, that it is banned from hotels and public transportation.  I, honestly, didn't think it was all that bad.  Would I eat it again?, probably not... but I wouldn't say it was the worst thing I've ever eaten. 
  • I hit a stranger.  He was sitting next to me at the bar.  He said something completely offensive (to my gender and my race) and so, without even thinking, I extended my arm and smacked him.  I was shocked.  He was shocked.  Everyone at the bar was shocked.  Then we all laughed.